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My name is Bilal Ghaziri. I am a high caliber professional holding extensive experience in healthcare management, operations, and business development with strong emphasis on customer satisfaction and end user expectations. I would love the opportunity to help you start or grow your healthcare business, where I can apply my management and problem-solving skills to maximize profitability by optimizing resource use.

My Story

My story in the field of business management and in specific, healthcare, is extensive, and a paragraph alone will not suffice. However I promise to be brief:


I am a French/Lebanese healthcare management veteran with profound respect for the advances behind today’s innovative healthcare approaches. As CEO, I drive the fusion of strategy, critical thinking, creativity, and digital innovation that distinguishes ServicePro from its competitors, delivering a world class service. A graduate of BSC. in Computer Science, minor in Business from American University of Paris, I continued my education and received two Masters Degrees (Business Administration (MBA) and Science in Healthcare Management (MSHM)), both from Anderson University in California. I began my career in business management, occupying leading roles both in creating and making companies grow. I specifically had interest in healthcare and throughput my career I have held senior roles in very reputable hospitals and medical facilities, as well as consulting roles in assisting owners and their management team in how to bring their operations to fruition. Now, more than 30 years later, my wealth of experience I consider myself in the forefront of healthcare management innovation.


Enough about me... let's talk about what we can do for you. At ServicePro, we believe in your team's capabilities and we build on that foundation. We aim to improve collaboration not only from within but also with stakeholders. We help you fill the gaps, and we identify your company's weaknesses and expand on its strengths; our goal is either to help you start from scratch or improve in ways you never expected to be possible.


 Let's have a chat!


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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